Saturday, September 8, 2007

Shiver With Anticip...

There's something so enjoyable about the anticipation of a big event unlike anything I have ever done before. My synapses are in overdrive and my veins are pulsing with excitement. And I have no idea what to expect. I can not grasp the concepts of being in Africa, watching all these awesome animals in the wild, or even how long an 18 hour flight really is.

Twelve hours until my first flight begins, but I'm so anxious I'd leave right now would I not later regret the loss of tonight's several hours of restless sleep, the last in my own bed until it's almost 2008. I've packed, repacked, and crossed everything off my list. I have my stuffed elephant girth-hitched to my backpack in case homesickness threatens. I've packed some chocolate and tofu jerky for the flight. I aim to control every detail while I can; tomorrow anything may happen.

But what's to lose? I expect only to see, to learn, to experience, and to drink it all in like the Tswana drink rooibos.



mom said...

I am so excited for you! I hope the experience is everything you dreamed it might be. I changed my name to mom so that if I should accidentally embarrass you then your friends will understand. Drink up - have fun - be careful - I love you!

mama said...

rob dear, we eagerly anticipate any word from you, written, spoken, blogged. we are glad you arrived safely, and yeah, the air lines scrape off the chees. we missed you today at the yom tov table, and glad you are enthralled. actually in africa. what is the drink rooiba? is it alcoholic? would we like it, does it have chocolate, or is like a tea, or maybe we don't want to know. zach had his surgery today, and seems to be fine, we love you and miss you and your hi, mama. can't wait to give you a hug. be well and l'shana tova.